DailyMed - BUSPIRONE HYDROCHLORIDE tablet (2024)


Interference with Cognitive and Motor Performance

Studies indicate that buspirone is less sedating than other anxiolytics and that it does not produce significant functional impairment. However, its CNS effects in any individual patient may not be predictable. Therefore, patients should be cautioned about operating an automobile or using complex machinery until they are reasonably certain that buspirone treatment does not affect them adversely.

While formal studies of the interaction of buspirone hydrochloride with alcohol indicate that buspirone does not increase alcohol-induced impairment in motor and mental performance, it is prudent to avoid concomitant use of alcohol and buspirone.

Potential for Withdrawal Reactions in Sedative/Hypnotic/Anxiolytic Drug-Dependent Patients

Because buspirone does not exhibit cross-tolerance with benzodiazepines and other common sedative/hypnotic drugs, it will not block the withdrawal syndrome often seen with cessation of therapy with these drugs. Therefore, before starting therapy with buspirone, it is advisable to withdraw patients gradually, especially patients who have been using a CNS-depressant drug chronically, from their prior treatment. Rebound or withdrawal symptoms may occur over varying time periods, depending in part on the type of drug, and its effective half-life of elimination.

The syndrome of withdrawal from sedative/hypnotic/anxiolytic drugs can appear as any combination of irritability, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, tremor, abdominal cramps, muscle cramps, vomiting, sweating, flu-like symptoms without fever, and occasionally, even as seizures.

Possible Concerns Related to Buspirone's Binding to Dopamine Receptors

Because buspirone can bind to central dopamine receptors, a question has been raised about its potential to cause acute and chronic changes in dopamine-mediated neurological function (e.g., dystonia, pseudo-parkinsonism, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia). Clinical experience in controlled trials has failed to identify any significant neuroleptic-like activity; however, a syndrome of restlessness, appearing shortly after initiation of treatment, has been reported in some small fraction of buspirone-treated patients. The syndrome may be explained in several ways. For example, buspirone may increase central noradrenergic activity; alternatively, the effect may be attributable to dopaminergic effects (i.e., represent akathisia). See ADVERSE REACTIONS, Postmarketing Experience.

Information for Patients

To assure safe and effective use of Buspirone hydrochloride tablets, the following information and instructions should be given to patients:

  1. Do not take a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you are not sure if you take an MAOI, including the antibiotic linezolid.
  2. Do not take an MAOI within 2 weeks of stopping buspirone unless directed to do so by your physician
  3. Do not start buspirone if you stopped taking an MAOI in the last 2 weeks unless directed to do so by your physician.
  4. Inform your physician about any medications, prescription or non-prescription, alcohol, or drugs that you are now taking or plan to take during your treatment with buspirone.
  5. Inform your physician if you are pregnant, or if you are planning to become pregnant, or if you become pregnant while you are taking buspirone.
  6. Inform your physician if you are breast-feeding an infant.
  7. Until you experience how this medication affects you, do not drive a car or operate potentially dangerous machinery.
  8. You should take buspirone consistently, either always with or always without food.
  9. During your treatment with buspirone, avoid drinking large amounts of grapefruit juice.

Laboratory Tests

There are no specific laboratory tests recommended.

Drug Interactions

Psychotropic Agents

MAO inhibitors: The use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) intended to treat depression with buspirone or within 14 days of stopping treatment with buspirone is contraindicated because of an increased risk of serotonin syndrome and/or elevated blood pressure. The use of buspirone within 14 days of stopping an MAOI intended to treat depression is also contraindicated.

Starting buspirone in a patient who is being treated with reversible MAOIs such as linezolid or intravenous methylene blue is also contraindicated because of an increased risk of serotonin syndrome. (see WARNINGS, DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION AND CONCOMITANT DRUG)

Amitriptyline:After addition of buspirone to the amitriptyline dose regimen, no statistically significant differences in the steady-state pharmaco*kinetic parameters (Cmax, AUC, and Cmin) of amitriptyline or its metabolite nortriptyline were observed.

Diazepam:After addition of buspirone to the diazepam dose regimen, no statistically significant differences in the steady-state pharmaco*kinetic parameters (Cmax, AUC, and Cmin) were observed for diazepam, but increases of about 15% were seen for nordiazepam, and minor adverse clinical effects (dizziness, headache, and nausea) were observed.

Haloperidol:In a study in normal volunteers, concomitant administration of buspirone and haloperidol resulted in increased serum haloperidol concentrations. The clinical significance of this finding is not clear.

Nefazodone:(see Inhibitors and Inducers of Cytochrome P450 3A4 [CYP3A4])

Trazodone:There is one report suggesting that the concomitant use of trazodone hydrochloride and buspirone may have caused 3 to 6 fold elevations on SGPT (ALT) in a few patients. In a similar study attempting to replicate this finding, no interactive effect on hepatic transaminases was identified.

Triazolam/Flurazepam:Coadministration of buspirone with either triazolam or flurazepam did not appear to prolong or intensify the sedative effects of either benzodiazepine.

Other Psychotropics: Because the effects of concomitant administration of buspirone with most other psychotropic drugs have not been studied, the concomitant use of buspirone with other CNS-active drugs should be approached with caution.

Inhibitors and Inducers of Cytochrome P450 3A4 [CYP3A4]

Buspirone has been shown in vitroto be metabolized by CYP3A4. This finding is consistent with the in vivointeractions observed between buspirone and the following:

Diltiazem and Verapamil:In a study of nine healthy volunteers, coadministration of buspirone (10 mg as a single dose) with verapamil (80 mg t.i.d.) or diltiazem (60 mg t.i.d.) increased plasma buspirone concentrations (verapamil increased AUC and Cmax of buspirone 3.4 fold while diltiazem increased AUC and Cmax 5.5 fold and 4 fold, respectively). Adverse events attributable to buspirone may be more likely during concomitant administration with either diltiazem or verapamil. Subsequent dose adjustment may be necessary and should be based on clinical assessment.

Erythromycin:In a study in healthy volunteers, coadministration of buspirone (10 mg as a single dose) with erythromycin (1.5 g/day for 4 days) increased plasma buspirone concentrations (5 fold increase in Cmax and 6 fold increase in AUC). These pharmaco*kinetic interactions were accompanied by an increased incidence of side effects attributable to buspirone. If the two drugs are to be used in combination, a low dose of buspirone (e.g., 2.5 mg b.i.d.) is recommended. Subsequent dose adjustment of either drug should be based on clinical assessment.

Grapefruit juice:In a study in healthy volunteers, coadministration of buspirone (10 mg as a single dose) with grapefruit juice (200 mL double-strength t.i.d. for 2 days) increased plasma buspirone concentrations (4.3 fold increase in Cmax; 9.2 fold increase in AUC). Patients receiving buspirone should be advised to avoid drinking such large amounts of grapefruit juice.

Itraconazole:In a study in healthy volunteers, coadministration of buspirone (10 mg as a single dose) with itraconazole (200 mg/day for 4 days) increased plasma buspirone concentrations (13 fold increase in Cmax and 19 fold increase in AUC). These pharmaco*kinetic interactions were accompanied by an increased incidence of side effects attributable to buspirone. If the two drugs are to be used in combination, a low dose of buspirone (e.g., 2.5 mg q.d.) is recommended. Subsequent dose adjustment of either drug should be based on clinical assessment.

Nefazodone:In a study of steady-state pharmaco*kinetics in healthy volunteers, coadministration of buspirone (2.5 or 5 mg b.i.d.) with nefazodone (250 mg b.i.d.) resulted in marked increases in plasma buspirone concentrations (increases up to 20 fold in Cmax and up to 50 fold in AUC) and statistically significant decreases (about 50%) in plasma concentrations of the buspirone metabolite 1-PP. With 5 mg b.i.d. doses of buspirone, slight increases in AUC were observed for nefazodone (23%) and its metabolites hydroxynefazodone (HO-NEF) (17%) and metachlorophenylpiperazine (9%). Slight increases in Cmax were observed for nefazodone (8%) and its metabolite HO-NEF (11%). Subjects receiving buspirone 5 mg b.i.d. and nefazodone 250 mg b.i.d experienced lightheadedness, asthenia, dizziness, and somnolence, adverse events also observed with either drug alone. If the two drugs are to be used in combination, a low dose of buspirone (e.g., 2.5 mg q.d.) is recommended. Subsequent dose adjustment of either drug should be based on clinical assessment.

Rifampin:In a study in healthy volunteers, coadministration of buspirone (30 mg as a single dose) with rifampin (600 mg/day for 5 days) decreased the plasma concentrations (83.7% decrease in Cmax; 89.6% decrease in AUC) and pharmacodynamic effects of buspirone. If the two drugs are to be used in combination, the dosage of buspirone may need adjusting to maintain anxiolytic effect.

Other inhibitors and inducers of CYP3A4:Substances that inhibit CYP3A4, such as ketoconazole or ritonavir, may inhibit buspirone metabolism and increase plasma concentrations of buspirone while substances that induce CYP3A4, such as dexamethasone, or certain anticonvulsants (phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine), may increase the rate of buspirone metabolism. If a patient has been titrated to a stable dosage on buspirone, a dose adjustment of buspirone may be necessary to avoid adverse events attributable to buspirone or diminished anxiolytic activity. Consequently, when administered with a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4, a low dose of buspirone used cautiously is recommended. When used in combination with a potent inducer of CYP3A4 the dosage of buspirone may need adjusting to maintain anxiolytic effect.

Other Drugs

Cimetidine:Coadministration of buspirone with cimetidine was found to increase Cmax (40%) and Tmax (2 fold), but had minimal effects on the AUC of buspirone.

Protein Binding

In vitro, buspirone does not displace tightly bound drugs like phenytoin, propanolol, and warfarin from serum proteins. However, there has been one report of prolonged prothrombin time when buspirone was added to the regimen of a patient treated with warfarin. The patient was also chronically receiving phenytoin, phenobarbital, digoxin, and levothyroxine sodium. In vitro, buspirone may displace less firmly bound drugs like digoxin. The clinical significance of this property is unknown.

Therapeutic levels of aspirin, desipramine, diazepam, flurazepam, ibuprofen, propranolol, thioridazine, and tolbutamide had only a limited effect on the extent of binding of buspirone to plasma proteins (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY).

Drug/Laboratory Test Interactions

Buspirone is not known to interfere with the urinary metanephrine/catecholamine assay. It has been mistakenly read as metanephrine during routine assay testing for pheochromocytoma, resulting in a false positive laboratory result. Buspirone hydrochloride should therefore be discontinued for at least 48 hours prior to undergoing a urine collection for catecholamines.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

No evidence of carcinogenic potential was observed in rats during a 24-month study at approximately 133 times the maximum recommended human oral dose; or in mice, during an 18-month study at approximately 167 times the maximum recommended human oral dose.

With or without metabolic activation, buspirone did not induce point mutations in five strains of Salmonella typhimurium(Ames Test) or mouse lymphoma L5178YTK+ cell cultures, nor was DNA damage observed with buspirone in Wi-38 human cells. Chromosomal aberrations or abnormalities did not occur in bone marrow cells of mice given one or five daily doses of buspirone.

Pregnancy: Teratogenic Effects

Pregnancy category B: No fertility impairment or fetal damage was observed in reproduction studies performed in rats and rabbits at buspirone doses of approximately 30 times the maximum recommended human dose. In humans, however, adequate and well-controlled studies during pregnancy have not been performed. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, this drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.

Labor and Delivery

The effect of buspirone on labor and delivery in women is unknown. No adverse effects were noted in reproduction studies in rats.

Nursing Mothers

The extent of the excretion in human milk of buspirone or its metabolites is not known. In rats, however, buspirone and its metabolites are excreted in milk. Buspirone administration to nursing women should be avoided if clinically possible.

Pediatric Use

The safety and effectiveness of buspirone were evaluated in two placebo-controlled 6 week trials involving a total of 559 pediatric patients (ranging from 6 to 17 years of age) with GAD. Doses studied were 7.5 mg to 30 mg b.i.d. (15 to 60 mg/day). There were no significant differences between buspirone and placebo with regard to the symptoms of GAD following doses recommended for the treatment of GAD in adults. Pharmaco*kinetic studies have shown that, for identical doses, plasma exposure to buspirone and its active metabolite, 1-PP, are equal to or higher in pediatric patients than adults. No unexpected safety findings were associated with buspirone in these trials. There are no long-term safety or efficacy data in this population.

Geriatric Use

In one study of 6632 patients who received buspirone for the treatment of anxiety, 605 patients were ≥ 65 years old and 41 were ≥ 75 years old; the safety and efficacy profiles for these 605 elderly patients (mean age = 70.8 years) were similar to those in the younger population (mean age = 43.3 years). Review of spontaneously reported adverse clinical events has not identified differences between elderly and younger patients, but greater sensitivity of some older patients can not be ruled out.

There were no effects of age on the pharmaco*kinetics of buspirone (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Special Populations).

Use in Patients With Impaired Hepatic or Renal Function

Buspirone is metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. A pharmaco*kinetic study in patients with impaired hepatic or renal function demonstrated increased plasma levels and a lengthened half-life of buspirone. Therefore, the administration of Buspirone Hydrochloride Tablets, USP to patients with severe hepatic or renal impairment cannot be recommended (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY).

DailyMed - BUSPIRONE HYDROCHLORIDE tablet (2024)


Why was buspirone taken off the market? ›

Why Was BuSpar Taken Off The Market? While the drug BuSpar was not taken off the market due to safety or effectiveness, it does have a tendency to be abused because of its addictive properties. Some people find they like how it makes them feel and others have a different experience with it.

Is buspirone a strong anxiety medicine? ›

Buspirone and benzodiazepines are both effective medications for treating anxiety, but they have different benefits and risks. Buspirone is a safer option for long-term use, while benzodiazepines are more effective at rapidly reducing acute symptoms of anxiety.

How much buspirone should I take for anxiety? ›

For anxiety:
  • Adults—At first, 7.5 mg two times a day. Your doctor may increase your dose as needed. However, the dose is usually not more than 60 mg a day.
  • Children—Use and dose must be determined by your doctor.

Does buspirone work the first day? ›

Does Buspirone work immediately? Buspirone is a fast-acting medication, so it works on the symptoms of anxiety quickly. However, it takes 3-4 weeks of taking this medication every day to experience a marked difference in your condition.

Why is BuSpar banned in the US? ›

BusPar was discontinued, but not for safety reasons. It was only discontinued after the generic version, buspirone, became more widely available. While the medication may not be sold under the BuSpar brand name, it is still available under the medication's generic name buspirone, but through a prescription only.

What drug can replace buspirone? ›

Other SSRIs like Prozac (fluoxetine) and SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) like Effexor (venlafaxine) can also serve as alternatives to buspirone. These medications function by altering neurotransmitter levels to improve mood and reduce anxiety.

What is stronger, Xanax or buspirone? ›

Effectiveness. Studies show that buspirone and alprazolam (Xanax) are equally effective at treating anxiety and its symptoms. However, in this study, those taking alprazolam experienced more side effects such as fatigue, insomnia, drowsiness, and dry mouth.

What is the safest anti-anxiety drug? ›

The most common type of medication prescribed for anxiety disorders are SSRIs, like Lexapro and Viibryd, as a first-line treatment and have relatively fewer side effects compared to other types of antidepressants, like MAOIs.

Is buspirone like Viagra? ›

Buspirone is FDA-approved for treating anxiety, while Viagra is FDA-approved for treating erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis.

Is 50 mg of buspirone a lot? ›

Dosage for Buspar

The recommended initial dose is 15 mg daily (7.5 mg b.i.d.). To achieve an optimal therapeutic response, at intervals of 2 to 3 days the dosage may be increased 5 mg per day, as needed. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 60 mg per day.

What is the most common side effect of buspirone? ›

Buspirone may cause some people to become dizzy, lightheaded, drowsy, or less alert than they are normally. Make sure you know how you react to this medicine before you drive, use machines, or do anything else that could be dangerous if you are dizzy or are not alert.

What pain reliever can I take with buspirone? ›

If you have headache that's bothersome with buspirone, talk with your doctor. They can suggest ways to ease this side effect. For example, they may suggest you take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).

Will buspirone calm you down? ›

Buspirone is used to treat certain anxiety disorders or to relieve the symptoms of anxiety. However, buspirone usually is not used for anxiety or tension caused by the stress of everyday life. It is not known exactly how buspirone works to relieve the symptoms of anxiety.

Is it better to take buspirone in the morning or at night? ›

Buspirone is usually given two to three times a day. Your doctor will tell you how often to give it. Twice each day: this should be once in the morning and once in the evening. Ideally, these times are 10–12 hours apart, for example some time between 7 and 8 am, and between 7 and 8 pm.

Is it hard to sleep on buspirone? ›

The major side effects associated with buspirone are dizziness, headache, nausea, and occasional insomnia.

Why is buspirone being recalled? ›

Oxford is recalling the above items/lots due to a product complaint for observation of a foreign tablet (Buspirone HCl 5mg) into a 100 count bottle of Buspirone HCl 15mg product. This recall is to the retail level. Affected product started shipping April 16, 2021.

What is the lawsuit against BuSpar? ›

The lawsuit contends that Bristol-Myers Squibb, makers of BuSpar® or buspirone hydrochloride, engaged in fraudulent conduct and conspired with a potential competitor to prevent the entry of generic competitors and illegally maintain its monopoly in the U.S. over the sale of the drugs.

Is BuSpar still available in the US? ›

BuSpar is a discontinued brand in the U.S. Generic buspirone is available. Buspirone is an anxiolytic that may also be used along with antidepressants to treat depression.

Which is safer buspirone or Xanax? ›

The advantage of buspirone is that it does not have the potential for abuse. Overuse can lead to unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea and headaches. Xanax has the advantage of only being used for anxiety as needed. The disadvantage of Xanax is that it can be addictive.


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